Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA
A cosmetic dental treatment includes all dental interventions that enhance your smile. Some of these interventions include teeth whitening, tooth fillings with modern aesthetic materials, veneers on front teeth and making highly aesthetic bridges and crowns.
Tooth fillings with aesthetic materials
Modern aesthetic materials, white fillings, require a specific preparation of the tooth surface after which they are literally stick to the tooth structure. In this way it possible for the dentist to restore teeth affected by caries, improve the aesthetic appearance of this area, restore the shape and form of teeth affected by damages caused by certain non-caries processes and improve your overall appearance. There are many advantages of using this procedure. First of all they are relatively cheap. In addition, they can be finished only after one visit and in case there is need for correction the procedure is very simple. The only downside of this procedure is the fact that the effects won’t last forever.
Dental veneers
This procedure involves the application of material on the entire front surface of the teeth in order to improve their color, position or shape. It usually takes a minimal grinding of the tooth’s structure in order to prepare the teeth for the veneer.
Filling the gap between the front teeth
Diastema is a term used to describe the gap between the front teeth. This space between the teeth can be closed with the help of orthodontic devices or by applying aesthetic materials on both teeth which create the gap. If the gap is too wide, dentists usually advise orthodontic treatment because the exclusive application of the material on the teeth will make the teeth look unnaturally big.
Atypical incisors
These cmall conical teeth are located near the central incisors and they represent an innate cosmetic defect. Aesthetic procedures can restore their natural shape without any grinding of the teeth by simple bonding and shaping of the materials.
Metal-free, ceramic crowns
Metal-free, ceramic crowns can be used in order to achieve major cosmetic changes just like with the help of porcelain veneers. However, unlike these veneers which cover only the front sides of the teeth, these metal-free, ceramic crowns cover the entire tooth structure all the way to the gums. That’s why, the crowns are most used in those cases where there is destruction of the tooth while veneers are used only in cases when patients want to change the shape and color of their teeth or to close the diastema.