Wisdom teeth usually cause issues when they protrude through the gum.
Listed here are the most common reasons for why your wisdom teeth should be removed.
1. Tooth decay
Bacteria and particles of food can gather around an affected wisdom tooth, which can cause it to decay. It is exceptionally hard to remove a tooth with this decay, or even the decay itself. Usually an infection will occur followed by pain.
2. Infection of the gums.
When a wisdom tooth starts to protrude, bacteria and food can collect beneath the gum of the tooth, causing an infection. This infection can cause pain, bad breath, and swelling and can also hinder the mouth from opening fully. Once the first episode occurs, you now become prone to more attacks, more frequently and continuing to grow more serious.
3. Mouth pressure.
When the wisdom tooth starts to erupt, pain will ensue from the tooth pressure against another. This can cause erosion of the teeth.
4. Braces or Invisalign.
Most patients that are younger have had orthodontic procedures done to correct teeth. When a wisdom tooth erupts, it may cause the teeth to move which can compromise the result of the orthodontics.
5. Prosthetic reasons
If a patient is looking to be given dentures, then a proper removal of the wisdom teeth should be done. When the dentures are in place and a wisdom tooth erupts, it will cause prominent irritation. If the patient removes the tooth, they will need to have a new denture created because the shape of the gum will be changed.
6. Formation of a cyst.
When the soft tissue around the wisdom tooth ensues, a cyst can form. These cysts can cause expansion of the jaw, bone destruction, and damage to nearby teeth or displacement. This extrapolation of the cyst and tooth is important to defend against further loss of bone. Tumors can also develop within the jaw or the cysts and may fracture spontaneously if the cyst grows to a certain size.
Should you remove a tooth that has not caused any trouble?
Affected wisdom teeth are known to cause problems if left untouched. This is mostly true for the lower wisdom teeth. Many problems may occur suddenly and at times when they are most inconvenient.
The best time to remove wisdom teeth.
It is recommended that affected wisdom teeth should be removed from the ages of 14 to 22 years of age, whether they are affected or not. Having a surgery done is theoretically easier and patients recover much more quickly when they are at a younger age. Having this minor operation done at 20 can become quite a difficult task in patients over 40. The risk of having problems can increase with age, as well as the recovery time.
Traveling outside of the country.
It is suggested to have them removed before traveling to a place where certain dental services are not available to you at all times, especially if you happen to have a sudden occurrence.
Should a wisdom tooth be removed when an infection is present?
Usually a wisdom tooth should not be removed when this is present. Having surgery done while an infection is in place can cause this infection to spread to other places in the mouth and cause serious problems. The infection must be combated by certain antibiotics or sanitary methods to keep it controlled. After that the wisdom tooth may be extracted.