Salivary mucins play active role to fight cavities

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Salivary mucins, key components of mucus, actively protect the teeth from the cariogenic bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, according to research published ahead of print in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. The research suggests that bolstering native defenses might be a better way to fight dental caries than relying on exogenous materials, such as sealants and …

7 Habits of Highly Effective Dental Care

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Playing off the title of the famous Stephen Covey publication, this article will focus on maintaining optimal care for your Dental Hygeine by forming proven and successful habits.   Habit 1 – Brush At Least Twice Daily   If nothing else, remember that brushing your teeth with an ADA recommended toothbrush …

Ancient dental plaque: A ‘whey’ into our milk drinking past?

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA  We drink milk because it is good for us, but we rarely stop to think “Why?” Archaeologists and geneticists have been puzzling this question since it was revealed that the mutations which enable adults to drink milk are under the strongest selection of any in the human genome. These mutations cause …

Mysteries of the Mouth: The Hit New Oral Hygiene Musical

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA In order to understand how to better your oral hygiene you must know what other parts of your mouth exist beyond teeth and how to care for them.  Read on to learn more about the mysteries of the mouth and how we compare it to a Broadway musical.   The Teeth …

Dental Implants

Dental Implants The purpose of dental implants is to restore missing teeth. Dental implants are usually made out of titanium. The procedure involves the implants being placed in the root of the tooth that is missing until it is fused into the bone of the tooth. Before the implant is placed, an incision in the gums is made. After the …

Predicting Aggressiveness of Oral Cancer

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Studying mouth cancer in mice, researchers have found a way to predict the aggressiveness of similar tumors in people, an early step toward a diagnostic test that could guide treatment, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “All patients with advanced head and neck cancer get similar treatments,” said Ravindra …

Different Dentures and Their Benefits

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Patients are often hesitant to the idea of getting dentures. When faced with teeth loss, the self-esteem of a person can be slowly but surely degrading. There are many different types of dentures that are available to the general public today and before making any major decisions, a potential patient must …

Beyond Tooth Decay: Why Good Dental Hygiene is Important

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Most of us are aware that poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath – but not brushing your teeth could also have consequences for more serious illnesses. In this spotlight feature, to coincide with National Dental Hygiene Month, we peer beneath the plaque to investigate …

Finding Oral Cancer at the Early Stages

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Many people believe that cancer cells are found by testing your blood count. This can be proven true in some cases but can many times be false. During a checkup a dentist will look at the patient’s mouth and attempt to find any types of lumps or patches of red or …