Birth weight and pregnancy complications associated with enamel defects

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At the 93rd General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research, researcher Bertha A. Chavez Gonzalez, Universidade de Minas Gerias, Lima, San Borja, Peru, presented a study titled “Birth Weight and Pregnancy Complications Associated With the Enamel Defects.” The IADR General Session was held in conjunction with the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research and the 39th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research.

This cross-sectional representative study aimed to assess the association between birth weight and severity of defects development of enamel (DDE) in the primary dentition. The sample was comprised 1,309 children five years of age, enrolled in kindergarten in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. The children were examined at school for the diagnosis of DDE. The mothers answered a questionnaire containing information of complications during pregnancy. The response variable was dichotomized in greater and lesser gravity of developmental defects of enamel, depending on the location of the DDE, when in the previous sector was considered minor and when he was in the posterior region or both, greater severity. The covariates were child gender, birth weight, prematurity, age of the mother during pregnancy and complications during pregnancy.

The prevalence of DDE with greater and minor severity was 22.7% and 77.3% respectively. The Poisson regression analysis of the adjusted model showed a greater prevalence of DDE among children with low birth weight. The researchers conclude that low birth weight and hypertension during pregnancy can be considered risk factors for the severity of DDE.

This research is supported by the following agencies located in Brazil: Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais, Fundacao Capes Ministério da Educacao and Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao.

This is a summary of abstract #3128 titled “Birth Weight and Pregnancy Complications Associated With the Enamel Defects,” presented by Bertha A. Chavez Gonzalez.
