Smokers’ taste buds ‘do not allow them to taste bitterness of coffee’

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Though conventional pairing has cigarettes and coffee going together, researchers have found that the toxic chemicals in tobacco may hamper taste bud regeneration, resulting in smokers not being able to adequately taste the bitterness of their regular cup of joe. The researchers, led by Nelly Jacob of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital APHP …

Genetic signature reveals new way to classify gum disease

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA A new system for classifying periodontal disease has been devised based on the genetic signature of affected tissue, rather than on clinical signs and symptoms. The new classification system, the first of its kind, may allow for earlier detection and more individualized treatment of severe periodontitis, before loss of teeth and …

Antibacterial agent boosts toothpaste effectiveness

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Regular use of fluoride toothpaste containing triclosan, an antibacterial agent, and a copolymer, which helps prevent the triclosan from being washed away by saliva, reduces plaque, gingivitis, and bleeding gums and slightly reduces tooth decay compared to fluoride toothpaste without those ingredients, finds a new review in The Cochrane Library. “We …

Custom Mouthguards For Your Children & Sports

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Mouthguards are relevant in the business of dentistry. Millions of children each year need mouthguards to protect their teeth. Custom mouthguards are part of our quality dental service! The bottom line is mouthgurads prevent dental injuries and definitely help parents feel better about sports. Mouthguards, also called mouth protectors, help cushion …

Dental Implants And What To Expect

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Dr. Claiborne is one of the top dental implant specialist in Virginia . We are going to explain the procedure for you . A dental implant is a surgically placed titanium screw which can hold a tooth or several teeth in place.  . After the surgical placement of the dental implant, …

Dr. Claiborne showing implant to patient

How Important Are Routine Cleanings And Check-Ups?

Forest Smiles – The Best Dentist in Lynchburg, VA Good oral hygiene is very important and not just for cosmetic reasons . Your health is number one on our list . Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and the list goes on. Regular check ups and cleanings can prevent these problems .They …